Latest Becoming Polymathic Pieces

Do You Want to Be Right? Or, Do You Want to Grow? Reflections of a Young Consultant

My current role is the second consulting one I’ve had. It’s going well, much better than my first foray and failure in early 2020. A minor reason for that failure was the global pandemic. The major reason was my inexperience navigating the politics of consulting. My assumption was anybody who hired a consultant was seeking […]

The Personal Journey of Developing Taste

“Opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one,” said some crass old man I encountered. Medium aside, the message is sound. We’ll examine the nuances of developing opinions in another piece. As for this one, we’re going to discuss the equally important process of developing taste. You‘ve Already Started Developing Taste Whether you realize it or […]

Dissecting Transference

This August marks two meaningful milestones – one year of Becoming Polymathic and a completed first draft of my novel Forward, A Madison Story, which was finished on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. By no means are these ventures complete, but as I’ve stated previously, it’s important to reflect upon these intermittent markers to not lose […]

Why is College Four Years?

If you were to type the title of this piece into a search engine, the results would be a series of triggered bloggers and columnists bloviating about how the cost of a four-year degree has made it undesirable. I’m not here to further disturb them; that topic is an entire history in of itself. I’m […]

Vagal Tone – Why We Need Real Interaction

Writing is exploring. Sometimes it’s easy and predictable, sometimes it’s misguided and unsuccessful, and sometimes, rarely, it’s unexpectedly fruitful. This week’s piece falls under that last category. What started as an article about celebrity obsession saved to my bookmarks last year has evolved into a deep dive into parasocial interactions, vagal tone, and how modern […]