Latest Becoming Polymathic Pieces

Bridge on the River Kwai, A Story of Fundamental Behavior Patterns

This will be the second piece centered around Pierre Boulle’s work. Previously, we leveraged Planet of the Apes to discuss theory of mind. Similarly, this piece will center around human behavior, but rather than compare us to our primate ancestors, we will compare amongst ourselves. The Bridge on the River Kwai, debuted ten years prior […]

How Much Should We Automate?

We begin this week’s piece in a similar breadth as last’s. The influence of data on our lives is enormous, and therefore the ability to analyze it effectively an increasingly necessary skill. As its happened, this skill has been central to several of my past pursuits including engineering school, financial market education, and my SEO […]

The Nine Financiers, Why You Shouldn’t Envy White Houses

The Gilded Age, defined as the late 1870’s to early 1900’s, was the United States’ first era of excess. Following the Civil War, the technological advancements made during the early Industrial Revolution were now becoming commercialized, most notably electricity, oil, and steel production. Along with this rapid expansion came unprecedented levels of wealth best memorialized […]